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Hello, and welcome to my website.  As you may know, I’ve been a fairly serious amateur photographer for a number of years now, and therefore have accumulated a large number of images.  Like any photographer, I like to share my pictures with others, but I’ve never wanted to be the guy that forces my pictures on people who aren’t really interested.  This website is my solution to that dilemma.  Think of it as a giant photo album that you can look through as much or as little as you wish. 

The photos are arranged in albums by the year in which they were taken.  If you're looking for a particular person or place, you can look them up in the index, which can tell you which year(s) to look in.  After you select a year, you'll then want to click on the square with an arrow in it to expand the photos to full screen.  You could then scroll down the page, and the horizontal photos will be good, but the vertical shots will be too big.  Instead, if you then click on the individual picture you'll be able to scroll left or right to see any picture full size (when you then click on the arrows in the upper left of the screen), and you'll be able to click the circled i to find out where it was taken or who is in it.

  I would only make two requests as you view the photos.  First, please look at these on something with a fairly large screen; sorry, but in my opinion, a smart phone screen is just too small.  Second, as I was preparing these pictures, I had my laptop screen tilted so that the colors were at their most intense; therefore, I would request that you look at them the same way.  Thanks!

By the way, a special thanks to Anthony Messina. Without his help, this website project might never have been completed!

All rights reserved.


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